because we are more than a team
Our corporate culture is characterised by mutual respect and appreciation.
At vali.sys, we are a colourful, innovative and competent team. Or, as a valued and long-standing customer once aptly said, “A crazy but lovable bunch.” We could not have phrased any better ourselves.
vali.sys has the feel of a huge, colourful aquarium. It bustles with many different types of fish.
There’s one that is always on the move like a grouper, one who is relaxed like a ray, or one that behaves like a clownfish and makes the whole tank laugh. We have them all.

foreword by our ceo thomas christen
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Thomas Christen, and I am the CEO and owner of vali.sys ag. I joined the company as an employee in 2006 and have been able to call it my own since 2019.
Innovation, growth and expertise: that’s just a selection of attributes that describe our company. We have achieved a lot in the field of clean room monitoring in the past years, and are far from finished. We are hungry for more!
Long-lasting, top Swiss quality and easy handling are the hallmarks of our products and I am particularly proud of that. This is the grantee we offer, when you have a product with our name on it.
nadia haldimann
head of business establishment & human resources